When a person moves from one state to another, there can be a short time of confusion as they get used to their new surroundings. The complexity of automobile insurance plans is well known, and each state has different rules, requirements, and regulations in regards to purchasing a policy. The state of Florida is known for oranges, grapefruits, Disney, fun in Miami, and much more. Whether you are moving there for work, family, or any other reason, be aware that auto insurance is a requirement in the state. Automobile insurance plans are required in every state except for Virginia and New Hampshire. In the state of Florida, carrying proof of insurance is also a requirement. This insurance policy must be current, and you will be asked by law enforcement to show your proof of insurance if you are in an accident or pulled over for a traffic violation. Four-wheeled vehicles in the state of Florida are required to maintain the minimum level of car insurance as the state requires. This minimum requirement is also the minimum limits for the state, though people can purchase additional insurance if they desire.
Florida has some of the lower minimum requirements for car insurance in the country. The insurance policy you purchase can protect you financially in many ways. The state of Florida requires people to have $10,000 of personal injury protection and $10,000 of property damage liability coverage. Even though the amount of insurance the law requires in the state of Florida is low, a large percentage of professionals consider it a smart plan to add additional coverage, like to bodily injury liability. Bodily injury liability protects you if you have a car accident where people are either injured or killed or both due to an accident. Florida is a no-fault state, but a party can still sue for damages that go beyond what your minimum insurance requirements cover. Paying thousands of dollars out of pocket is not in most people’s budgets, and bodily injury expenses can go into the tens of thousands of dollars.
Other types of auto insurance add-ons drivers can get are not mandated by law in Florida. This includes plans like collision insurance coverage, comprehensive insurance coverage, roadside assistance, lease gap insurance, and more. If you are looking to get these types of policies, you will have a wider range of protections overall.
If you fail to provide proof of insurance when pulled over or in an accident in the state of Florida, you will be issued a ticket. Failing to provide proof of insurance in this way brings less severe penalties than not having insurance at all, however. If you have an insurance policy, make sure to present it where needed. If you do not have an insurance plan, be prepared for severe penalties. Drivers put in over 9,000 miles per year on average, which leads to risk of auto accidents. There are thousands of accidents in the state, and many of these will involve serious injury or death. Due to this, the penalties for failure to carry state auto insurance can be hefty. You can be fined between $150 and $500 on the first offense, and your driver’s license can be suspended for up to three years. Subsequent offenses from the first can see higher penalties than the previous offenses.
Make sure to follow Florida driving laws. This includes having a valid car insurance plan. You can find the best prices for car insurance in Florida available using the free quote tools on this website. Your auto insurance premiums can be affected by many variables, such as the type of car you are getting insurance for, the number of miles you drive, your driving record, your geographic location, your age, and more. Comparison-shopping allows you to take advantage of the competition car insurance companies have and find lower rates. Take a look at the free quote tools here and get the best deals available on car insurance today.
Every so often, the laws regarding driving in a state will change. These changes can come in waves, and more recently, new Florida laws have been issued. If you are living in the state of Florida, it is your responsibility to stay current with the legal requirements the state puts forth. Some of these law changes can affect what you will be paying for your insurance coverage.
Be aware that red light cameras issuing tickets in Florida are legal. That said, you have 60 days to pay the ticket received from one of these cameras after receipt. In addition, an easier appeals process has been put together for challenging a red light ticket. If you lose your challenge, however, fines and fees for the ticket will include court costs, which can bring the total expense up to $250.
Florida also has a ban on texting for all drivers. A first offense will see a ticket of $30 plus court costs, and subsequent offenses go up in cost from there.
Other notable changes to driving laws include not being able to be ticketed so long as you come to a stop, even if you have crossed the stop line, before making a legal right turn on a red light. In addition, left lane drivers are prohibited from going more than 10 miles an hour below the speed limit if it does not line up with the speed of traffic. Also, drivers are allowed to flash their headlights to warn other drivers of a speed trap ahead. Due to loopholes in this law, however, some professionals state that a ticket could still be issued.
Keep up with the latest laws in the state of Florida with car insurance. Make sure you have the minimum required amount and consider getting a higher amount for more protection. Professionals recommend getting additional insurance outside of the minimum limits in the state of Florida. Use this website to get free quotes from multiple companies, one of the top ways to save on your auto insurance plan today.
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