People hate getting tickets. Not only do they cost money, but they also cost time. A person will need to go to the courthouse or police station to pay for their fine or fee, and they are also putting themselves at risk of their driver’s license being suspended. In some states, and in some situations, a person can find themselves facing possible jail time as well.
Driving without insurance in the state of Florida is taken very seriously. Even so, many people in the state drive without an insurance plan. This not only puts them at risk of fines, fees, driver’s license suspension, and possible jail time, but it also puts them in a position where they could be liable to cover tens of thousands of dollars of expenses. For this reason, many people choose to buy uninsured motorist coverage in the state.
Florida is a no-fault insurance state. Personal Injury Protection insurance and property damage liability insurance are required. If a person drops their insurance plan, they are required to surrender their license plate before the insurance plan expires. Some people try to cut corners and save money by not paying for automobile insurance, but this can end up costing them a significant amount of money more in the long run.
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If your car insurance policy lapses in the state of Florida, the state government will know. Auto insurance providers are required to notify the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles once a lapse occurs. If this happens, the department will notify you that you need to provide new insurance coverage. Failure to do so can lead to your driver’s license, license plates, and vehicle registration to be suspended for up to three years. This is for the first offense. Once in place, you will have to provide the state with proof of a new policy and pay a fee of $150 to have your plates, registration, and license reinstated.
In order to be able to do this, the proof of insurance that you show has to be dated before the old policy was canceled. Even if there is a one day lapse in insurance, your license, registration, and plates will be suspended. People who try to save money by avoiding having auto insurance for just a few months get caught.
Those who are caught more than one time have even larger reinstatement fees and additional penalties. For a person’s second offense, the reinstatement fee will go up to $250. For people who have a third offense within three years, this fee goes up to $500 for that offense. Driving without an insurance plan can cost a lot of money, and not being able to drive because your license is suspended can have major impacts on your work, family life, and social life.
If you are involved in an accident and are driving without insurance, you could be held liable for tens of thousands of dollars in damages, medical bills, and repairs. Having an insurance policy is not only the law; it is a smart plan. Peoples savings can easily be spent paying for very expensive injuries and other damages. Even though Florida is a no-fault state, you can still be sued for the costs of serious injuries that you cause as the result of a car crash.
If a person is involved in an accident in Florida, the accident needs to be reported immediately to law enforcement if an injury or death is involved. They must also be reported if they involve a hit-and-run, an intoxicated driver, or damaged property that appears to be over $500. Keep in mind that $500 in property damage expenses is often less than people think it is as a visual. If you are found to be at fault in the accident, you could be held liable for significant expenses.
In addition, people who are involved in an at-fault accident where a person is hurt or injured and the at-fault party is also uninsured, an SR-22 certification may be required of them in the future, which generally leads to higher insurance premiums for them and other fees.
For all of these reasons, it is in a person’s best interest to follow the law when driving in the state of Florida. Get the minimum limits required by law for car insurance. Many people do choose to get additional car insurance coverage beyond the minimum amounts required by law in Florida to further protect themselves. There are numerous types of auto insurance people can purchase to protect themselves. Driving without insurance in Florida leads to large fines, fees, possible driver’s license suspension, possible jail time, and the potential to be held liable for more money than you can afford. Get protection from all of these things by purchasing a car insurance plan at FloridaDiscountInsurance. Get a policy that works for you at the best prices available now.
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